Chapter 2 / Philosophy
Atmosphere is the word which we think best describes what makes Hackholmssund such a very special place.
Chapter 2 / Philosophy
Atmosphere is a prerequisite for all life on Earth. It also describes the feeling or a mood which we all know may or may not be present, and it is something which affects the way we feel, how we behave and whether or not we succeed.
The word originates from the Greek words atmos (vapour) and sfaira (spheres), and in its figurative sense, it gives oxygen both to our working lives and our private lives.
Chapter 2 / Philosophy
Atmosphere is a prerequisite for all life on Earth. It also describes the feeling or a mood which we all know may or may not be present, and it is something which affects the way we feel, how we behave and whether or not we succeed.
Chapter 2 / Philosophy
The word originates from the Greek words atmos (vapour) and sfaira (spheres), and in its figurative sense, it gives oxygen both to our working lives and our private lives.
Chapter 2 / Philosophy
When we ask our guests what they think makes Hackholmssund so unique as a meeting place, the answer is rarely the specific details such as the food, the interior design, the surroundings, the activities or the peace and quiet. Remarkably often, they say instead that it’s all about the ‘atmosphere’ here.
Chapter 2 / Philosophy
This resonates very well with our fundamental idea for Hackholmssund, which is to create a climate (an atmosphere) which provides the prerequisites for companies to write their histories with us.
Chapter 2 / Philosophy
This resonates very well with our fundamental idea for Hackholmssund, which is to create a climate (an atmosphere) which provides the prerequisites for companies to write their histories with us.